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温 wen

Home Pinyin wen

保温 bǎowēn insulation

保温杯 bǎowēn bēi thermos cup

重温 chóng wēn refresher; rekindle; relived; revisit

等温 děngwēn isothermal

低温 dīwēn cryogenic; hypothermia; low temperature

高温 gāowēn high temperature

恒温 héngwēn thermostatic

降温 jiàngwēn cool down

气温 qìwēn temperature

升温 shēngwēn warming up

送温暖 sòng wēnnuǎn send warmth

体温 tǐwēn body temperature

温饱 wēnbǎo food and clothing

温差 wēnchā temperature difference

温床 wēnchuáng hotbed; hotbeds

温存 wēncún warm

温带 wēndài temperate

温度 wēndù tempera; temperature; temperatures

温和 wēnhé geniality; mild; milder; moderate; temperately; tepid

温和 wēnhé gentle

温家宝 wēnjiābǎo wen jiabao

温开水 wēn kāishuǐ warm water

温克 wēnkè winker

温暖 wēnnuǎn warm

温情 wēnqíng warmth

温泉 wēnquán spa

温热 wēn rè warm

温柔 wēnróu gentleness; tender; tenderly

温室 wēnshì conservatory; greenhouse; hothouse

温水 wēnshuǐ warm water

温顺 wēnshùn docile; meek

温婉 wēn wǎn wen wei

温习 wēnxí review

温馨 wēnxīn warm

温州 wēnzhōu wenzhou

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